Monday, November 9, 2015


Hello Friends and Neighbors,

Just a word (or three!) today about the talents God has given each one of us.  I truly believe we have all been given a talent.  It just takes some of us longer than others to discover what it or they-- there could be many-- are.  I started dabbling in painting just a few years ago.  I wouldn't exactly call it my main talent, but if I continue trying, I might be pleasantly surprised.  (And it would be a surprise, I grant you!!!)

Recently a friend started singing solos in church.  She told me she didn't sing as well as I do.  I appreciate a compliment, but I don't want folks to compare their God-given talents with mine.  I haven't heard her yet, but I don't even want to compare our voices.  We're all uniquely made by Him.  And we need to glorify Him with what we have.

We can always say or think that there's someone better... I hear a LOT of folks who have a better voice than I or who can play an instrument lots better than I, and I sometimes wonder why anyone wants to hear ME!  But that's comparing and so I try not to do that.  I want to appreciate what God has given others and give back God what He gave me. And that's all any of us can do!!!

My friend was concerned about messing up when she sings in church next.  I have messed up MORE than once! Not so much in recent years, but it has happened!!! A couple (more or less) years ago, my husband and I were singing at the church in Harmony, Maine one Sunday morning. He was playing guitar to accompany our voices and when we "started" singing, only HIS voice started!!!

I don't know what happened, but when I opened my mouth to sing, NOTHING came out!!! It wasn't nerves that caused it. Just seemed to be a frog in my throat at that moment. I think I might have had the melody part, which meant his tenor solo part wasn't going to cut it!!  Anyhow, he didn't stop singing for a measure or so and I finally got the words out to "stop and we'll start over."

When I was younger, that would have probably embarrassed me to the ultimate! But when this happened, it didn't.   I think I would have been embarrassed if we had not started over.  If when I finally found my voice I had just joined in wherever he was in the song at that moment, it would have been a bit humiliating.  But we (he!) just stopped and we started over from the beginning and gave God the glory just the same!

After all, we are all just humans and we're not immune to mistakes.  We can prepare as much as possible, but when that "frog" appears, there's not always a lot we can do about it!  We then just need to stop, start over, and give God the glory!  After all, if we're really sharing our talents for Him and to bless others, then God WILL be glorified!

So long for now.
Once again, "Good Night and God Bless."
"May the God of peace be with you all.  Amen"  Romans 15:33

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